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Tipo de Documento: Tesis
Autor : Amores Puyutaxi, Freddy Marcelo
Título : Comparison of tillage and no-tillage management systems as related to selected Agromic Factors affecting corn (Zea Mays L.) yields
Fecha de publicación : 1981
Editorial : North Carolina, US: Universidad Estatal de Carolina del Norte, Facultad Ciencias en Suelo, 1981. 79 p.
Código: *US-INIAP-BEETP-MBY. Mocache (T/A524c)
Páginas: 5 p.
Estación: E. E. Tropical Pichilingue
Resumen : Tillage and no-tillage management systems were evaluated in rela- tion to corn grain yield, soil moisture content, and soil nutrient status, in a two-year study on an Appling loamy sand. A winter cover crop (WCC) was grown in the second year in one-half of the initial til- lage and no-tillage plots.
Citación : Amores Puyutaxi, F.M. (1981). Comparison of tillage and no-tillage management systems as related to selected agromic factors affecting corn (zea mays L.) yields. (Tesis de Maestría). Universidad Estatal de Carolina del Norte, Facultad de Ciencias en Suelo, Carolina del Norte, Estado Unidos.
URI : http://repositorio.iniap.gob.ec/handle/41000/6301
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