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Tipo de Documento: Revista
Autor : Berti, Peter R.
Villacrés, Elena
Segovia, Gabriela
Mazón, Nelson
Peralta I., Eduardo
Título : Lupinus mutabilis Sweet, a traditional Ecuadorian grain: Fatty acid composition, use in the Ecuadorian food system, and potential for reducing malnutrition
Título de la serie: Journal of Agricultural Science 2(6):153-159
Fecha de publicación : jun-2013
Código: *EC-INIAP-BEESC-MGC. Quito (Journal of Agricultural Science 2(6):153-159. 2013CD15CVl)
Páginas: p. 153-159
Estación: E. E. Santa Catalina
Resumen : Six of the samples were debittered; seven were left in their bitter, as harvested, state. To debitter the samples, they were soaked for 12 hours, boiled for 40 min and washed in water for 72 hours. The debittered bean was then dried in a stove at 50ºC, with forced air, until the moisture content was 10%. Then the beans (bitter and debittered) were milled in a disc mill with a mesh opening of 1 mm and stored in sealed glass jars until analysis. The oil was extracted from a 50 g sample of milled bean (20 mesh) by refluxing for 6 h with 125 mL nhexane (ACS) in a Soxhlet extractor. The solvent was evaporated under reduced pressure, yielding the bitter oil from the beans processed as harvested and debittered oil from debittered beans. Esterfication of the oil was carried out on 50 mg samples of the extracted oil, to which was added 1 ml of 0.5 M KOH in methanol.
Citación : Berti, P. R., Villacrés, E., Segovia, G., Mazón, N., y Peralta I., E. (junio, 2013). Lupinus mutabilis Sweet, a traditional Ecuadorian grain: Fatty acid composition, use in the Ecuadorian food system, and potential for reducing malnutrition. Journal of Agricultural Science, 2(6), 153-159.
URI : http://repositorio.iniap.gob.ec/handle/41000/1509
ISSN : 2315-5094
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos de Revistas EESC

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