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Tipo de Documento: Boletín
Autor : Congo, Carlos D.
Chuquimarca, Edgar J.
Torres, Néstor F.
Quezada, Nelly G.
Garzón, Juan P.
Título : Estimation of the temperature-humidity index (TIH) for bovine production systems in Morona Santiago, preliminary result.
Título de la serie: Archivos Latinoamericanos de Producción Animal 2024. 32 (Supl. 1) V Congreso Internacional de Producción Animal Especializada en Bovinos
Fecha de publicación : 21-nov-2024
Editorial : Gualaceo, EC: INIAP, Estación Experimental del Austro, Programa de Ganadería y Pastos, 2024.
Páginas: 13 p.
Estación: E. E. Austro
Resumen : The objective of the study was to characterize the climatic conditions during the period of highest rainfall in the southern Amazon of Ecuador (March to July 2024), using the temperature and humidity index (ITH). The data were collected using a datalogger (SensorPush) and systematized in the GANADERO TP® software. In total, 218,915 temperature and humidity records were analyzed and downloaded in Microsoft Excel compatible format. The analysis was performed by applying descriptive statistics and the thresholds pre-established by the National Institute of Agricultural Research of Uruguay to determine the risk of heat stress. Alert states were considered for dairy systems with an ITH between 68 and 71.9, and for beef systems between 69 and 74.9. No heat waves were detected in the period studied; however, a cumulative effect was observed with an ITH ≥72, which implies alertness and danger in meat and milk production, potentially affecting animal health, welfare and reproduction. These preliminary results are fundamental for the development of a low-cost predictive tool to help mitigate the effects of heat stress in livestock systems in the region. It is crucial to continue climate characterization studies in the southern Ecuadorian Amazon to create solutions that allow producers and advisors to make
Citación : Congo, C. D., Chuquimarca, E. J., Torres, N. F., Quezada, N. G., & Garzón , J. P. (2024). Estimation of the temperature-humidity index (TIH) for bovine production systems in Morona Santiago, preliminary result. Archivos Latinoamericanos De Producción Animal, 32(Supl 1), 131-135. https://doi.org/10.53588/alpa.320514
URI : http://repositorio.iniap.gob.ec/handle/41000/6346
ISSN : 1022 1301
Aparece en las colecciones: Investigaciones EEP

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