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Campo DC Valor Lengua/Idioma
dc.coverage.spatialE. E. Santa Catalinaes_ES
dc.creatorVillacrés Poveda, Clara Elena-
dc.creatorCampaña Cruz, Diego Fabricio-
dc.creatorGarófalo, Javier-
dc.creatorFalconí-Castillo, Esteban-
dc.creatorQuelal Tapia, María Belén-
dc.creatorMatanguihan, Janet-
dc.creatorMurphy, Kevin-
dc.identifier.other*EC-INIAP-BEESC-EA. Quito (INIAP/398)-
dc.description.abstractSeventy barley accession from Ecuador were analyzed to determine the content of mixed linkage βglucan. Twelve of these materials presented a higher content than the population average 2.10% (w/w) and were selected to determine the relationship among β-glucan, viscosity and dietary fiber, as well as the effect of scarification, cooking, roasting and malting in its content. In the 12 accessions the content of βglucan showed a high degree of correlation (r = 0.86) with soluble dietary fiber but low correlation with viscosity (r = -0.17). In most accessions, β-glucan increased in roasted or scarified grains. The roasting process increased the content by 35.51% (w/w) and scarification by 26.53% (w/w). Cooking decreased content by 39.92% and malting by 77.90%. The megazyme kit was used to determine the content of (1→3) (1→4) -β-D-glucan (Mixed-linkage). Results of this study show that Ecuadorian barley genotypes with a β-glucan content greater than 2.10% are suitable for human consumption and those with lower value than the indicated are suitable for the beer industry.es_ES
dc.format.extentp. 8es_ES
dc.publisherQuito, EC: INIAP-EESC, 2019es_ES
dc.titleEvaluation of β-glucan content, viscosity, soluble dietary fiber and processing effect in grains of Ecuadorian barley genotypes.es_ES
dcterms.bibliographicCitationVillacrés, E., Campaña, D., Garófalo, J., Falconi, E., Quelal, M., Matanguihan, J., & Murphy, K. (2019). Evaluation of β-glucan, viscosity, soluble dietary fiber and processing effect in grains of Ecuadorian barley genotypes.Agronomía Colombiana, 37(3), 323-330.es_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Investigaciones EESC

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