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Tipo de Documento: Proyecto
Autor : Amores Puyutaxi, Freddy Marcelo
Vasco Medina, Segundo Alfonso
Suárez Capello, Carmita
Loor Solórzano, Rey Gastón
Jiménez Barragán, Juan Carlos
Terán, Milton
Quijano Rivadeneira, Grisnel Carmelo
Baños Párraga, Silvia Lorena
Montoya Bazán, José Leonardo
Quinaluisa, César
Título : Project: Cocoa productivy and quallty improvement, a participative aproach
Fecha de publicación : jul-2010
Editorial : Quevedo, EC: INIAP, Estación Experimental Tropical Pichilingue, Programa Nacional de Café y Cacao, 2009
Código: *EC-INIAP-BEETP-MB.Quevedo(INIAP/4)
Páginas: 49 p.
Estación: Estación Experimental Tropical Pichilingue
Resumen : Ille CFCIlCCOlBioversity h1ternational Project. Chapter INIAP•Ecuador, provided words) an opportunity 10 continue evalualing most of the hyhrid and clone trials startcd during lhe CFCIlCCOIlPGRl projcd (1998-2003), as well as starting participative cocoa research with the inclusion of producers pursuing a more efficient selection of superior caGaD cultivan;, Uoder the umbrella of the current project an agro-sociol enomic study was completed providing sorne useful insights on the multifactor environment wruch mediales cacao production in three distinct zones. Some important gennplasm oollection activities took place tlllder !he umbrella of this project enriching the phcnotypic and genotypic variability of the cacao genetic bank hold by TNEAP al the Estación Experimental Tropical Pichlingue. The project's period \Vas also fruitful at providing information on the influt:olce of sorne agronol factors (sexual compatibility, pruning lcvels, planting density
Citación : Amores, F., Vasco, A., Suárez Capello, C., Loor, G., Jiménez, J., Terán, M., ... Quinaluisa, C. (2009). Project: Cocoa productivy and quallty improvement, a participative aproach. Quevedo, Ecuador: INIAP, Estación Experimental Tropical Pichilingue, Programa Nacional de Café y Cacao.
URI : http://repositorio.iniap.gob.ec/handle/41000/1675
Aparece en las colecciones: Proyectos EETP

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